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The Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) invites applications to its Predoctoral Fellowship program commence on September 1st, 2014. Fellowships are available for pursuing Predoctoral research programme in one of BIGSSS’ three Thematic Fields (Global Governance and Regional Integration, Welfare State, Inequality and Quality of Life and Changing Lives in Changing Socio-Cultural Contexts). BIGSSS offers 2 Predoctoral Fellowships of 800 Euros/month for particularly talented BA graduates. After fulfilling some course requirements and having their proposals accepted within the first year, candidates can switch into the regular three year PhD program.

The application period for the Fall 2014 semester will begin on November 15th, 2013 and go until February 15th, 2014.

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Agriculture is no longer considered as practiced by the farmers, instead it has become highly technical, sophisticated and automated and as a result, very profitable too. in depth analysis of this course (before discarding it) will tell that one can have the option to pursue wide range of career options in agriculture besides farming (if farming doesn’t interest some). Agriculture is also called farming or husbandry is the art and production of cultivating soil, raising the domesticated animal that is livestock and producing crops.

The major degree programmes in agriculture field are veterinary science, agricultural engineering, forestry, home science, dairy technology, fisheries, sericulture, marketing, banking and co-operation, horticulture and food science. There are numerous career prospects like Agricultural Research, Agri – Business, Farming, Conservation, Agricultural Engineering, Poultry farming, Plant Pathology, Aquaculture, Environmental Engineering, Food and dairy Technology.

English (UK)Vietnamese
to chuc su kien, to chuc su kien

Dự n chung cư Tn Hong Minh d le roi soleil quang an Ty Hồ, H Nội. Dự n chung cu 23 le duan Q1, TP. HCM, chủ đầu tư Tn Hong Minh. Cng ty cho thue san khau tổ chức sự kiện uy tn tại H Nội. Dịch vụ cho thue o du gi rẻ nhất. Cng ty cho thue backdrop uy tn tại H Nội - nhiều mẫu m đẹp. Dịch vụ chua tac tia sua tại nh, cam kết hiệu quả 100%. Xưởng sản xuất may ep cam vien chăn nui, my p cm vin mini cho thỏ, g, vịt, chim bồ cu. Kho xưởng sản xuất long cong nghiep gi rẻ tại h nội, lồng chim bồ cu, lồng thỏ, lồng g Dịch vụ thue chu re đẹp trai, cao ro, cam kết bảo mật thng tin. Cng ty cung cấp, cho thue nguoi dai dien cưới hỏi ton quốc.