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University of Twente offers Masters scholarships for students of EU/EEA countries and Non-EU/EEA countries (except Dutch and/or current UT Bachelor students). The scholarships are open for excellent students who are applying for a graduate programme (MSc) at this University. Applicants must comply with the general English language test requirement Academic IELTS 6.5 (or TOEFL iBT of 90) and an additional 6.0 (TOEFL iBT 20) on the subscore of speaking skills.

The scholarship value differs from € 6,000 to a maximum of € 25,000 for one year. Application should be submitted till 30th December 2013 and 30th March 2014.

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Applications are invited for residential scholarships in London for the January 2014 intake. Students should be from a developing or emerging country and intending to return on completion of their studies. Preference will be given to postgraduate students who are studying a course that will provide skills to assist in the development of their home country. Scholarships provide free accommodation at ISH for up to a year and in exceptional circumstances up to three years.

Applications should be submitted till December 31st, 2013.

English (UK)Vietnamese
to chuc su kien, to chuc su kien

Dự n chung cư Tn Hong Minh d le roi soleil quang an Ty Hồ, H Nội. Dự n chung cu 23 le duan Q1, TP. HCM, chủ đầu tư Tn Hong Minh. Cng ty cho thue san khau tổ chức sự kiện uy tn tại H Nội. Dịch vụ cho thue o du gi rẻ nhất. Cng ty cho thue backdrop uy tn tại H Nội - nhiều mẫu m đẹp. Dịch vụ chua tac tia sua tại nh, cam kết hiệu quả 100%. Xưởng sản xuất may ep cam vien chăn nui, my p cm vin mini cho thỏ, g, vịt, chim bồ cu. Kho xưởng sản xuất long cong nghiep gi rẻ tại h nội, lồng chim bồ cu, lồng thỏ, lồng g Dịch vụ thue chu re đẹp trai, cao ro, cam kết bảo mật thng tin. Cng ty cung cấp, cho thue nguoi dai dien cưới hỏi ton quốc.