Nhằm đáp ứng nhu cầu đa dạng của du học sinh Việt Nam tại Mỹ, chúng tôi cùng vơi các đối tác đã phát triển hệ thống trường, viện, cơ sở giáo dục từ Phổ thông Trung học, Dạy nghề, Trung tâm Anh ngữ, Trường dạy nghề , Cao đẳng, Đại học... khắp các tiểu bang tại Hoa Kỳ.
Du học sinh có thể chọn lựa từ các trường đối tác dưới đây:
Welcome to California.
California, the third largest state in the United States, is a land famous for its exceptional opportunities.
Often referred to as “The Golden State,” California is truly the place where you can have it all – you can earn a degree at the school of your dreams, revel in Hollywood glamour and glitz, bask in dreamy weather, and spend your weekends at the beach, desert, forest or a snow-capped mountain.
Welcome to California, where the sun shines and dreams come true.
Welcome to New York
New York State has always been a destination of choice for the best and brightest international students and researchers from around the world. In fact, the state ranks at the top in the number of international students who choose to study in the United States. Each year more than 75,000 students from countries around the world choose New York State to pursue their education. Those who come from abroad to study, in addition to their academic contributions, help deepen awareness of other cultures on campuses, and beyond.
Welcome to Georgia
If you’re lucky, you’ve had the chance to visit Georgia. Georgia is a state located in the southeastern region of the United States that boasts beautiful coastlines, historic cities and ever-changing mountains. With warm summers and cool winters, Georgia is the perfect place for many international students to study, and a drive away from one of the largest and most convenient airports in the world.
With over 200 institutions of higher education to choose from and an environment as diverse as the culture, Texas, the Lone Star state, is a great place to live and learn!
Study Texas institutions offer thousands of degrees to choose from. Come explore Texas and find out why it is a great place to live and learn!
The Study in Canada program…
The University of Melbourne is…
Over 600 opportunities are available…
The University of South Florida…
Stony Brook University is offering…