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Study English and Business at the University of Washington in Seattle

The University of Washington offers a variety of programs to help students improve their English and learn more about American culture. These programs are designed to meet the needs of international students and other non-native English speakers preparing to enter American colleges and universities, and those interested in improving their English language skills for professional purposes.

Why Studying in the USA Will Change Your Future


What would it mean to have an American university listed on your resume? Why would potential employers pause and take notice of your education credentials from the United States?


It would mean that you have advanced English language skills and valuable intercultural experience. It would show that you studied within one of the best higher education systems in the world, with access to advanced technology and research. They would know that you received in-depth instruction, learned to problem-solve and have knowledge of modern practices within your field.



University of Washington

It would mean that you have more opportunities.

Studying in the United States and abroad doesn’t just give you tangible degrees and certificates. Your experience says something about who you are. Living and studying in another country—especially where your language isn’t spoken—is challenging, requires courage and a positive attitude. Sometimes, these characteristics are more influential than your degree.


The United States offers variety.

There are a wide range of schools, countless areas of study and specialty degrees. If you are interested in studying business, you are not relegated to just general study, but can choose from many concentrations: accounting, marketing, international business, business management, business administration, or finance. (There are many more!) This type of specialty study is available at the undergraduate, graduate and doctorate level, too.


One option you may not be aware of is studying at a community college, which is a two-year school in which you can begin your university study. You can complete the first two years of your bachelor’s degree at a community college and then transfer your credentials to a four-year university. This is extremely common in the USA. Community colleges offer lower tuition costs, smaller class sizes and more personal attention. Many community colleges also offer intensive English language programs.


University of Washington International and English Language Programs ...
The University of Missouri Columbia ...
Loyola University New Orleans ...
Or, you can begin your studies at a four-year university or college. The variation and number of choices reflects the diversity and enormity of the U.S. You can study at a large public university, such as the University of Washington or the University of Missouri. If you prefer a more intimate campus and a smaller community, you may choose a small private university, such as Loyola University New Orleans.


Because there are so many choices available, it is helpful to consider other factors that are important to you. Tuition prices and cost of living are going to vary from school to school. If cost is important, then you may consider studying at a public university or looking at schools in a rural areas. Prestigious and private universities and colleges should not be set aside, though. Research all of the universities that interest you to find out if they offer scholarships or financial assistance. Many schools offer scholarships, but you have to look for them.


Other interests that may be important to you are the setting and local culture. For instance, the West Coast region has many beaches, outdoor activities, and the people have a relaxed attitude. The Midwest has many large research universities and the people are known for their hospitality and kindness.


Wherever you choose to study, you will find that Americans are kind and welcoming to international students, campuses are safe, and each area of the United States has a unique culture.

Source: Study in USA


English (UK)Vietnamese
to chuc su kien, to chuc su kien

Dự n chung cư Tn Hong Minh d le roi soleil quang an Ty Hồ, H Nội. Dự n chung cu 23 le duan Q1, TP. HCM, chủ đầu tư Tn Hong Minh. Cng ty cho thue san khau tổ chức sự kiện uy tn tại H Nội. Dịch vụ cho thue o du gi rẻ nhất. Cng ty cho thue backdrop uy tn tại H Nội - nhiều mẫu m đẹp. Dịch vụ chua tac tia sua tại nh, cam kết hiệu quả 100%. Xưởng sản xuất may ep cam vien chăn nui, my p cm vin mini cho thỏ, g, vịt, chim bồ cu. Kho xưởng sản xuất long cong nghiep gi rẻ tại h nội, lồng chim bồ cu, lồng thỏ, lồng g Dịch vụ thue chu re đẹp trai, cao ro, cam kết bảo mật thng tin. Cng ty cung cấp, cho thue nguoi dai dien cưới hỏi ton quốc.