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29 07

Knight Foundation and Mozilla are offering international fellowship for Open News Project in six news organizations around the world. The Knight-Mozilla Fellowship program is designed specifically to engage developers, hackers, engineers, technologists, data crunchers and other people who like to code and bring them into the newsroom as Fellows.

Application should be sent online by August 17, 2013.

The fellowship covers stipend of $60, 000, housing, childcare, health insurance, moving expenses, costs of required travel for fellowship activities.

Study Subject(s): The fellowship is awarded in media and journalism. Fellows work in the open by sharing their code and their discoveries, helping to strengthen and build journalism’s toolbox.
Course Level: Knight Foundation offers a 10 months fellowship with six news organizations around the world.

Scholarship Provider: Knight Foundation and Mozilla
Scholarship can be taken at: In 2014, the Fellows will be based with: USA (The New York Times and ProPublica in New York,The Texas Tribune in Austin, Texas), Argentina (La Nacion in Buenos Aires) and a joint fellowship with Ushahidi and Internews Kenya.

Eligibility:-We are an international program (our six news partners cover three continents) and welcome participants from around the world.
-You do not need to be a U.S. citizen to participate in the program.
-We assist Fellows with any necessary visa applications for working and traveling during the Fellowship.
-Perfect English is not a requirement, however please be aware that it may be challenging to participate in some aspects of our program if your English is limited.
Women and other under-represented participants in technology are strongly encouraged to apply for a Knight-Mozilla Fellowship.

Scholarship Description: Knight-Mozilla Fellows share the work they’re doing with the world outside of the newsroom. By blogging their experiences, pushing code to open repositories, taking part in the OpenNews community calls, and engaging with other developers, our Fellows are helping to spread the code they’re making and strengthen the journalism-developer community. And given that news is such a large part of the web, the open work of the Fellows contributes to a more transparent, open, and accessible web. Fellows are based, unless special circumstances dictate, in the town of their host news organization. In 2014, the

Fellows will be based with:
•The New York Times
•ProPublica in New York
•The Texas Tribune in Austin, Texas•La Nacion in Buenos Aires
•and a joint fellowship with Ushahidi and Internews Kenya

Number of award(s): Organizations around the world will be hosting five Knight-Mozilla Fellows in 2014.

Duration of award(s): The fellowship lasts for 10 months.

What does it cover? The standard Fellowship offers a stipend of $60,000 paid in 10 monthly installments. Mozilla may, in consultation with Fellows and News Partners, elect to vary the amount and duration to accommodate the needs and availability of individual fellows and newsrooms. To help offset cost of living in the News Partner location cities, the Fellowship also provides supplements for housing, childcare, health insurance, moving expenses, and helps pay for research/equipment and books. The Fellowship also covers the costs of required travel for Fellowship activities.

Notification: Finalists will be notified by early October and a public announcement of our 2014 fellows will be made at the Mozilla Festival in London October 25, 2013.

How to Apply: The mode of applying is online.

Scholarship Application Deadline: The deadline for applications is August 17, 2013.

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application

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