High School Programs Years 10, 11 and 12
CRICOS:065344E | CRICOS:045432D
Administration and campus: Level 6, 815 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Postal: P.O BOX K392 Haymarket, Sydney, NSW 1240 Australia
Website (Homepage): www.oxford-college.com.au
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Tel: (61 2) 9211 7411 Fax: (61 2) 9212 3861
The Northwest School
1415 Summit Avenue
Seattle, Washington 98122
P 206.682.7309 F 206.467.7353
A culture of courtesy and common sense. A liberal arts education drawing connections among artistic, historical, literary, and scientific fields of knowledge. An outdoor and environmental program. Stellar athletics. These are some of the integral parts of The Northwest School. Set in an urban campus that is housed in an historic landmark cared for by our students, we provide a curriculum for grades 6–12 that offers an international perspective and encourages independent and creative thinking in every class. We educate and shape our students into global citizens who will one day shape our community, nation, and world.
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